From Our Pastor


“Who do you say that I am?”  This is an important question that we hear Jesus ask his disciples in today’s gospel.  It’s an important question that he asks each of us so let’s see how the encounter continues.  Peter answers correctly, “You are the Christ.”  Since this is the correct answer, we might wonder why Jesus immediately instructs the disciples not to tell anyone about him.  Why would he do that?  We all know that it’s because they had the wrong notion of who the Christ – the Messiah […]

2024-09-16T15:28:03-04:00September 16th, 2024|


The Eucharist is a prophetic reminder that the human person is made for worship.

(Making Catholic Schools Eucharistic)

This weekend, we join with the Church throughout our nation and around the world in celebrating Catechetical Sunday.  Those whom the community has designated to serve as catechists will be called forth at the 9:30am Mass to be commissioned for their ministry.  And, I will ask God’s blessing on all parents who are present as well, praying that God may strengthen them in their resolve to share the precious gift […]

2024-09-12T16:38:14-04:00September 14th, 2024|


Do you know what the word “Alleluia” means?  We just sang it with great joy as we prepared to hear the gospel proclaimed.  In fact, we sing it every Sunday except during the Season of Lent.  It’s a Hebrew word and it means “Praise God!”  It is joyous cry of praise of God that dates back to Old Testament times.  I wouldn’t be surprised if the man in today’s gospel passage went around singing “Alleluia!”  Can you imagine how the man in today’s Gospel account must have felt?  All his […]

2024-09-09T14:10:20-04:00September 9th, 2024|



Now that Labor Day is behind us, the summer season comes to an end and all of our parish activities and organization will resume.  Our school already began this past Wednesday, 6 September, PREP begins on Monday,16 September, and Wednesday, 18 September, and all the other parish organizations resume their full fall schedule over the next few weeks.  It will be great to have the parish facilities become fully alive again!


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

As fall activities resume, I would like to […]

2024-09-06T08:52:26-04:00September 7th, 2024|


We’ve all learned about the importance of washing our hands over these past few years, haven’t we?  But, it’s not a matter of religious belief but one of several important measures we all practice to combat the common flu, the coronavirus, RSV and whatever new illness is popping up.   I’m sure Jesus would encourage us to wash our hands regularly, but it won’t necessarily get us closer to God; religion does that.

So, what is religion? As I’m sure you all know, the word “religion” simply speaks of our relationship with […]

2024-09-03T14:34:36-04:00September 3rd, 2024|


“You have the words of eternal life.”  That’s quite a powerful admission that we hear St. Peter make in today’s gospel.  In the midst of his bumblings and failures, he also sometimes got it right.  The same man who was left almost speechless on Mount Tabor when he and two other disciples were privileged to get a glimpse of Jesus in all his heavenly glory, the same man who denied knowing Jesus when Jesus was in a trial for his life – not once but three times – that same […]

2024-09-03T14:33:30-04:00September 3rd, 2024|


Over the past several years, the local media has drawn a great deal of attention to the inequality in the quality of education offered in predominantly Black and Brown neighborhoods in Philadelphia.  Not only does Philadelphia have the unfortunate distinction of having the highest poverty rate among the ten most populous cities in our country but its public education ranks among the worst, coming in 42nd of the 50 big cities in the U.S.A.  This inequality in educational opportunity has a long history not only in Philadelphia but throughout our […]

2024-08-30T12:15:21-04:00August 31st, 2024|
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