St. Katharine of Siena parish will be a warm, welcoming community of all ages where God is at the center of everything we do. Our worship and reception of the sacraments will be vibrant, joyful, and inviting.  As the hands and feet of Christ, we will seek out and serve each other and the stranger.


Msgr. Hans Brouwers, Pastor

JoAnne Alexander

Sarah Bradley

Dan Hayes

Sr. Mary Elizabeth Karalis

Laura Kerr

Ed Kubala

Bob McAlaine

Kim O’Neill

Bud Tosti

Steph Twohig

Jeff Walkenhorst

Jessica Waltman


Implementation Committee Co-Chairs

Msgr. Hans Brouwers, Pastor and Bob McAlaine

Priority 1 Committee Chair

Kate Mallach

Priority 2 Committee Chair

Kim O’Neill

Priority 3 Committee Chair

Laura Kerr –


Beginning in September of 2021, a team of parishioners has been meeting with Msgr. Brouwers to develop a three-year strategic plan. With the invaluable assistance of the Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI)[1] this “Envisioning Team” has assessed the strengths and challenges of our parish using the Disciple Maker Index (DMI)[2] survey, Sunday Mass attendance and other sacramental information, parish finances, a review of parish ministries and local demographic trends.

The Envisioning Team then developed a parish vision based on parish values that it identified through its review of the DMI and parish ministries.   This vision will come to fruition through the implementation of three priorities over the next several years. We are excited to present our parish vision and priorities and hope that you will join us in this initiative to make our parish an even stronger community of faith where God is truly at the center of our lives and everything we do!

[1] CLI is a non-profit organization and lay apostolate based in Malvern, PA that provides bishops, priests, deacons, religious and lay persons with pastoral leadership formation and consulting services.

[2] Our parish was invited to participate in taking the Disciple Maker Index survey in the spring of 2018 as part of a five-year initiative in conjunction with CLI to strengthen our parish mission.



Definition:  As children of a loving God, we believe we are created to be in relationship with Him. We freely entrust our lives to God and embrace the fullness of the whole Truth that God reveals to us through Jesus Christ and his Church.

Examples of ways we will live out this value are:

  • We will invite the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us.

  • We will follow the commandments.

  • We will receive the sacraments.

  • We will encourage each other to grow in holiness and mission.

  • We will renew our commitment to transition into a maturing adult faith that reaches into every facet of our lives.

  • We will serve others by weaving ministry into our daily lives.


Definition:  We are a community of believers. When we gather together in worship, prayer, service, and support of one another, we are a visible sign of the Body of Christ.

Examples of ways we will live out this value are:

  • We will partake in the Mass and other sacraments.

  • We will personally encourage each member of the parish to participate in at least one small group, workshop, retreat, or group service opportunity during the year.

  • We will be spiritual companions to accompany each other on our shared journey to heaven.


Definition:  The family is a manifestation of God’s creative love and the exchange of love among the persons of the Trinity. Our parish lives as a family sharing in life’s challenges, sorrows, and joys.

Examples of ways we will live out this value are:

  • We will act in service to our personal family needs and in service to our community and beyond.

  • We will help parents to embrace and grow in their role as the primary catechists of their children and ensure meaningful sacramental preparation.

  • We will encourage families to attend together church services such as Mass, Rosary, Adoration, and Novenas.

  • Current families will connect with new families in the parish by inviting them to dinner, and by organizing and attending welcoming events.

  • Members of the parish will demonstrate God’s mercy by offering support to families who are hurting from illness, death, bereavement, financial hardships, and divorce.

1: Provide Transformative Liturgies with Engaging Homilies and Music and Warm Hospitality


The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” Every other aspect of our parish is bound up with and oriented toward the Eucharist.  In the Eucharist, Jesus Christ continues the work of our redemption through the Church.


Pope Francis declared that the “Church evangelizes and is herself evangelized through the beauty of the liturgy” (The Joy of the Gospel, 24).


2. Increase Parishioner Engagement and Action


In Christ’s name, we will energize our fellow parishioners to participate in active ministry. Through enhanced communication, including marketing and personal sharing, we can increase involvement in our ministries, which we aim to make bigger, deeper and stronger.


The health of our parish derives from parishioner engagement and how we witness Christ.



  1. Create a “buddy system” to accompany new families.
  2. Provide a warm welcome to new parishioners.
  3. Help parishioners recognize and use their gifts, talents and charisms.

3. Equip Parishioners to Share Their Faith


Teaching and sharing the faith and providing opportunities to perform works of mercy to build a more mission-oriented parish.


Jesus calls us to follow him and lead others to him.



  1. All ministry coordinators will be provided with the tools to share their faith through their ministry.