“Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me. …As often as you did it for one of my least brothers, you did it for me” (Mt 25:34-36, 40).
For the past 61 years, Catholic Charities Appeal has provided assistance for over 10 million people throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. In this past year alone, over 3,700 people were served daily through Catholic Social Services. Partnering with 50 area food cupboards, Nutritional Development Services (another division of Catholic Social Services funded by the Catholic Charities Appeal) served over 2 million meals to over 400,000 people. And over 23,000 clothing items were collected and distributed to the area’s homeless and needy families. The Catholic Charities Appeal supports 80 agencies in the five counties of the Archdiocese, from adoption services to community food programs to senior adult services to schools and homes for people who are visually or hearing impaired or developmentally disabled.
This could not have been accomplished without the continued support that you and all the other Catholics throughout the Archdiocese so generously provided. Your annual commitment to this important work has helped the Catholic Charities Appeal afford much-needed assistance for men, women and children throughout the Archdiocese. As followers of Christ, we are called to be our Lord’s heart and hands in loving care for those in the greatest need and, in their name, I thank you!
Like all households in our parish and, indeed, throughout the Archdiocese, you should have recently received a packet with a letter from Archbishop Charles Chaput inviting you to participate in the annual Catholic Charities Appeal with a sacrificial gift. The theme for this year’s appeal is “Giving Hope to All,” and the goal is $12.5 million. Aware of God’s love for you, we are asking you to embrace those with special needs. You are crucial to the success of this campaign. Prayers and contributions of any size will further the Appeal’s goal. As in the past two years, our parish goal this year is $152,390.00. Last year, you and your fellow parishioners contributed $169,000.00 so I am confident that we will once again reach and, indeed, exceed our goal. And, as you will read in Abp. Chaput’s letter, “when you give to Catholic Charities Appeal, you shine a light of hope. You feed the hungry. You aid the poor. You bring joy to those suffering. You Give Hope to All.”
Your Catholic Charities Appeal mailing included a return envelope. Please use it to send your donation or make your donation online at catholiccharitiesappeal.org. And, be assured that your generosity will be used wisely; 95 cents of every dollar you give goes directly to care for those in need!