The CYO welcomes any child who attends St. Katharine of Siena PREP or school, or is registered in a neighboring parish that does not offer comparable CYO programs.

Cross Country:  Co-ed, Open to K-8

Practice is generally held at the Willows. Practice location, nights, and times will be communicated by the coaches when we get closer to the start of the season.

Meets are held on Sunday at Philadelphia’s historic Beaumont Plateau.

There are different runner divisions based on gender and year of birth:

Sub-Novices – 2,000 meters (2K) ~ approximately 1.25 miles

Novices (9-10yrs) – 3,000 meters (3K) ~ approximately 1.86 miles — outside of the woods

Minors (11-12yrs) – 3,000 meters (3K) ~ approximately 1.86 miles — includes a loop in the woods

Cadets (13-14yrs, not yet graduated 8th  grade) – 4,000 meters (4K) ~ approximately 2.48 miles

Field Hockey:  Girls, Open to Grades 5-8

JV – 5th/6th grade girls
Varsity –  7th/8th grade girls

Practice is generally held at Dittmar Park after school.  Detailed practice locations, nights, and times will be communicated by the coaches when we get closer to the start of the season.

Games are held on weekdays after school.  These will be confirmed by the coaches once the schedule is created by the Region 32 directors.

Flag Football:  Co-ed, Open to Grades 1-4

Each grade (1st – 4th Grade) will have a team.

Practice is generally held at Bo Connor Park during the week.  Detailed practice locations, nights, and times will be communicated by the coaches when we get closer to the start of the season.

Games are typically held on Saturday mornings.  Games will be confirmed by the coaches once the schedule is created by the Region 32 directors.

Golf:  Co-ed, Open to Grades 3-8

Detailed practice locations, nights, and times will be communicated by the coaches when we get closer to the start of the season.

Soccer:  Co-ed, Open to Grades 5-8

JV – 5th/6th grade

Varsity –  7th/8th grade

Practice location, nights, and times will be communicated by the coaches when we get closer to the start of the season.

Games are held on weekdays after school.  These will be confirmed by the coaches once the schedule is created by the Region 32 directors.

Volleyball:  Girls, Open to Grades 5-8

JV – 5th/6th grade girls

Varsity –  7th/8th grade girls

Practice is generally held in the SKS gym.  Practice location, nights, and times will be communicated by the coaches when we get closer to the start of the season.

Games will be confirmed by the coaches once the schedule is created by the Region 32 directors.

Tackle Football:  Boys / Open to Grades 5-8

JV – 5th/6th

Varsity –  7th/8th

Preseason starts on Monday, 8/12 and will be 4 days per week until school starts.  A detailed pre-season schedule can be found on our CYO’s Instagram page: SKSCYOSPORTS

Regular Season Practice will be held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at St. Aloysius Academy.

Games will be confirmed by the coaches once the schedule is created by the Region 32 directors.

Cheerleading:  Girls / Open to Grades 1-4

Practice location, nights, and times will be communicated by the coaches when we get closer to the start of the season.

Games are typically held on Saturday mornings.  Games will be confirmed by the coaches once the schedule is created by the Region 32 directors.


Basketball is for grades 5 through 12 and is for kids who are currently enrolled in school at SKS or who are enrolled at PREP/CCD at SKS or OLA Parishes. Please note that registration will close on November 1 for 5th through 8th grades (High School will remain open until Thanksgiving). We hope to finalize all team rosters and communicate them to everyone by Sunday 11/10. The Wildcat teams will start practice the week of 11/10 while the non-wildcat teams will start the week of 11/17.

Click here for information related to the upcoming basketball season and important dates

SKS Wildcats Dance Team

Registration open now – until 11/10/24
Open to grades 1-8
Practices start 11/13, and will be every Wednesday 3-4:15pm

This year is open to grades 1-8! The dance team will learn energetic dance routines to perform at the SKS basketball games and various school functions! Practices will be held after school on Wednesdays, and games will be held on the weekends. Bring your energy and get ready to show us your dance moves!

Click here to register!


  • JV Baseball (Grades 5/6th)
  • Varsity Baseball (Grades 7/8th)

    This possible pivot is based on feedback from our coaches, parents, and players from the past couple of seasons.  Last year, baseball registration numbers were very high: 16 registered for varsity and 27 registered for JV.  This level of support and participation in CYO baseball is a blessing. However, it is incredibly difficult to play a 9-person sport with numbers this high (especially JV) if we expect everyone to have equal playing time, especially at the plate!

     After much discussion, here are the 2 possible scenarios for our 2024 season:

    Scenario 1:  In this scenario, if approximately 12-15 boys register to play for our 2024 season, then CYO will form one team, practice together, and play in all Region 32 games.

    Scenario 2:  In this scenario, should more than 15 boys register to play, CYO will perform an assessment.  After careful consideration by CYO coaches, the boys will be split into 2 groups – SKS Wildcat & SKS Blue.  SKS Wildcat will be the more competitive team and will play in all Region 32 games.  SKS Blue will compete in games inside and outside of our region with the hope of getting the boys in a few Region 32 games throughout the season.  Both teams will practice together assuming we have the correct number of volunteer coaches.

As you can imagine, there are a lot of moving parts with both scenarios – more practice time, additional fields, and more volunteer coaches!  If you would like to coach or help coach, please reach out to our Spring Coordinator, Jim Sharkey at jshark672@yahoo.com. We are going to treat Varsity and JV separately, so if the numbers look like they did last year (16 Varsity / 27 JV) our Varsity would have 1 team and JV would have 2 teams (Scenario 2 above). We are looking forward to a great baseball season and appreciate everyone’s support as we work through registration and the best way of proceeding.

Tennis (coed)

  1. 5th thru 8th Grade
  2. Please reach out to Jim Sharkey for more information if interested – jshark672@yahoo.com
  3. Practice and matches will be held at Cardinal O’Hara High School on Sundays from 1:00 – 2:30 PM.

Meets are also at Pope John Paul in Royersford

Girls Lacrosse

  • JV Girls Lacrosse (Grades 5/6th): Practices 1-2 times a week immediately after school. All games are after school.
  • Varsity Girls Lacrosse (Grades 7/8th): Practices 1-2 times a week immediately after school. All games are after school. A Saturday Tournament included.

Boys Lacrosse with St Aloysius

Track and Field (Grades 1st-8th)

  • Cadet – Born in 2009 or 2010; on or after September 1st, 2008.
  • Minor – Born in 2011 or 2012
  • Novice – Born in 2013 or 2014
  • PeeWee – Born 2015 thru 2018

Practice is generally held after school during the week.  *Practice field, nights and times will be communicated by the coaches.
Games are held during the week.

**These will be confirmed by the coaches once all CYOs participating in the district confirm their teams.

Dance Team Camp

Week 1: July 15-19: 9-12:30PM

Week 2: August 19-23: 9-12:30PM

Friday will conclude at noon with a small dance recital

$225 per camper -$200 early registration fee if received by June 15

Click here for flyer with more information

Field Location and Addresses:

CYO Board Members:

Monsignor Brouwers

Michael Gompers
Athletic Director

Dave Aglira
Winter Sports Coordinator

Jason Griesser
Fall Sports Coordinator

Jim Sharkey
Spring Sports Coordinator

Charles Cognata
Spiritual Coordinator

Katherine Billings

Jess Dilucia

Beth Ann Reedy

JP Boles
Coaching Coordinator


Registration Now Open: SKS Wildcats Dance Team

October 15th, 2024|Comments Off on Registration Now Open: SKS Wildcats Dance Team

We are excited to announce the return of the SKS Wildcats Dance Team. This year  open to grades 1-8! The dance team will learn energetic dance routines to perform at the SKS basketball games and [...]

Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) Workshop

October 15th, 2024|Comments Off on Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) Workshop

To ALL SKS Parents, coaches, and future coaches  SKS will be hosting a Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) workshop "Developing Competitors Through Positive Coaching "   Monday November 11th at 7 PM in the parish center.  Food and drinks will be provided. We encourage all [...]

2024-25 CYO Basketball Season – Register Today!

September 25th, 2024|Comments Off on 2024-25 CYO Basketball Season – Register Today!

Last Call – CYO Basketball Registration closes on November 1 for grades 5 through 8. No registration will be accepted after midnight on November 1. Here is the link: https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/453259 SKS CYO Basketball is for kids [...]

SKS CYO Spring Registration is up and running!

February 21st, 2024|Comments Off on SKS CYO Spring Registration is up and running!

Hi All SKS CYO Spring Registration is up and running! Please see the note at the bottom of this message for updates about changes to how the baseball JV and Varsity seasons will be run. [...]

Winter Sports Registration is now open!

September 19th, 2023|Comments Off on Winter Sports Registration is now open!

The SKS CYO Board is happy to announce the opening of registration for Winter Sports (Basketball). Due the popularity of basketball at SKS we are opening up registration earlier than in years past. We also [...]

2023 Fall Sports CYO Registration

August 30th, 2023|Comments Off on 2023 Fall Sports CYO Registration

Fall Sports Offered for this upcoming season:  (see below for more details regarding each of the fall teams) Soccer /Cross Country / Cheerleading / Field Hockey / Flag Football / Golf / Volleyball Please register [...]

Coaching opportunities and requirements

Anyone interested in coaching must both register and ensure that their clearances are up to date with the Parish. Get your clearances in ASAP to koneill@sksparish.org.