Field Location and Addresses:
North Wayne Park
CYO Board Members:
Monsignor Brouwers
Michael Gompers
Athletic Director
Dave Aglira
Winter Sports Coordinator
Jason Griesser
Fall Sports Coordinator
Jim Sharkey
Spring Sports Coordinator
Charles Cognata
Spiritual Coordinator
Katherine Billings
Jess Dilucia
Beth Ann Reedy
JP Boles
Coaching Coordinator
Registration Now Open: SKS Wildcats Dance Team
We are excited to announce the return of the SKS Wildcats Dance Team. This year open to grades 1-8! The dance team will learn energetic dance routines to perform at the SKS basketball games and [...]
Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) Workshop
To ALL SKS Parents, coaches, and future coaches SKS will be hosting a Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) workshop "Developing Competitors Through Positive Coaching " Monday November 11th at 7 PM in the parish center. Food and drinks will be provided. We encourage all [...]
2024-25 CYO Basketball Season – Register Today!
Last Call – CYO Basketball Registration closes on November 1 for grades 5 through 8. No registration will be accepted after midnight on November 1. Here is the link: https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/453259 SKS CYO Basketball is for kids [...]
SKS CYO Spring Registration is up and running!
Hi All SKS CYO Spring Registration is up and running! Please see the note at the bottom of this message for updates about changes to how the baseball JV and Varsity seasons will be run. [...]
Winter Sports Registration is now open!
The SKS CYO Board is happy to announce the opening of registration for Winter Sports (Basketball). Due the popularity of basketball at SKS we are opening up registration earlier than in years past. We also [...]
2023 Fall Sports CYO Registration
Fall Sports Offered for this upcoming season: (see below for more details regarding each of the fall teams) Soccer /Cross Country / Cheerleading / Field Hockey / Flag Football / Golf / Volleyball Please register [...]