Liturgical Music Ministries

Liturgical Music Ministries2024-09-18T09:51:39-04:00

Whether we are singing or listening, music has the power to bring us into an experience beyond the words—to a personal encounter with Christ himself, the Word made flesh.s a way for God to lead us to the realm of higher things”

(United States Conference of Catholic Bishops [USCCB], Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship, Pastoral Liturgy Series 4 [Washington, DC: USCCB, 2007], no. 2). 


Cantors lead the congregational singing from the ambo at all parish liturgical celebrations. 
  • A pleasant, clear voice, the ability to stand in front of the assembly, and good presence are necessary. 
  • Rehearsals, workshops and recordings are provided for practice. 

If you would like to join our cantors at SKS please reach out to:

Dr. Ted Latham
Director of Liturgical Music


Adult Choir

The SKS adult choir is a warm and welcoming community.  If you love music and the liturgy, we invite you to use your God-given gifts and join us in songs of joyful praise. The ability to read music is helpful but not required.

  • Sing at Mass 2-3 times monthly Sept-May (8:15 rehearsal and 9:30 Mass)
  • Rehearsal 2 Tuesdays per month 7pm-8:30 pm
  • Sing at Saint Martin DePorres in October, Confirmation, Christmas Concert, Easter Triduum Services
  • Recordings are provided for practice

If you are interested in joining the Adult Choir please reach out to:

Laura Kerr
Organist and Adult Choir Director

Young Adult Choir

Sing once a month at the Saturday 5PM vigil mass

If you are interested in joining the Young Adult Choir please reach out to:

Steph Twohig
Children, Teen and Young Adult Choir Director

Teen Choir

Sing once a month at the Saturday 5PM vigil mass

If you are interested in joining the Teen Choir please reach out to:

Steph Twohig
Children, Teen and Young Adult Choir Director

Children’s Choir

  • Grades 1-6
  • Sings two times per month at the Sunday, 9:30AM Mass
  • Rehearsals for SKS School are during lunch and for PREP students from 10:45-11:15AM on Sunday mornings

If you are interested in joining the Children’s Choir please reach out to:

Steph Twohig
Children, Teen and Young Adult Choir Director

Listening Corner

Current Music

Recordings of the Organ

Mendelssohn, Sonata No. 6 in D minor, I
on SKS Ruffati Organ

J. S. Bach, Trio Sonata No. 6,  BWV 530 on SKS Ruffati Organ

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