Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
What is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion?
This is a ministry of lay men and women who are trained by the Archdiocesan Office for Worship and appointed by the Archbishop to serve a three-year term of service. Eucharistic ministers help with the distribution of Holy Communion at daily and weekend Masses. In addition, they bring Holy Communion on Sundays to the residents of Wayne Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, to Bryn Mawr Hospital, and to parishioners who are homebound. Ministers of Holy Communion show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, their attire, and the manner in which they handle the consecrated bread and wine.
What are the requirements?
These are the desired assets for a Eucharistic Minister:
- Registered parishioner.
- Reverence for the Eucharist.
- Desire to share the Gift of Eucharist with others.
- Willingness to serve at any Saturday Vigil or Sunday Mass and to bring communion to individual homes and the nursing home.
What are volunteers asked to do?
Volunteers are asked to:
- Distribute Communion (under either species) at Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses. Ministers typically serve at four to six Masses every three months (the schedule is published quarterly). This number includes Wayne Nursing, Bryn Mawr Hospital, and private homes.
- Take Communion, after 9:30 Sunday Mass, to three to four individual homes of parishioners unable to attend Mass, or, to eight to twelve parishioners at the Wayne Nursing Home. Bryn Mawr Hospital visits are scheduled following the 8:00 AM Sunday Mass.