Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic faith?  Or, are you a baptized Catholic adult who, for one reason or other, has not yet received any of the other Sacraments of Initiation (Eucharist or Confirmation)?  Or, are you a Catholic adult who is interested in growing in your relationship with God and learning more about your faith?  Then, RCIA is for you!

RCIA is a journey in faith to a deeper experience of God’s love manifested through the teaching and treasures of the Catholic Faith.  We welcome persons of other faiths or other Christian denominations who would like to know more about the Catholic Church, as well as Catholic adults who have not received the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist or Confirmation. We welcome, too, Catholics who would like to grow in their relationship with Jesus.

We meet weekly in the evening, beginning in mid-September and ending just before Easter (check the parish calendar under RCIA) to listen to and reflect on God’s Word and the teachings of the Church. There is no pressure or obligation. It is merely a time to inquire and grow in your faith and your relationship with God.

We would love to have you join us. We also encourage you to invite someone who might like to journey with us.

The Stages of RCIA (for non-Catholics)

  • Period of Inquiry: (Evangelization)

    The first stage is the period of inquiry.  During this time, we will invite you to reflect on Salvation History as revealed in Sacred Scriptures and the ways in which you can apply it to your own lives. It is a time for questions and finding out more about the Catholic Church and the value of faith.

  • Period of Teaching: (Catechumenate or Candidacy)

    Those who profess their faith in Jesus and desire to continue their journey toward full membership in the Catholic Church then move to their next phase where they will learn specifically the teachings of the Catholic Church.  With the help of a sponsor and members of the community, the catechumen/candidate learns about the Church as a faith community.

  • Purification and Enlightenment

    At the beginning of Lent the Church calls those who are ready to make final preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation, which will be received at the Easter Vigil Mass.  Ordinarily, the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are celebrated at the Easter Vigil liturgy.

  • Post-baptismal Catechesis (Mystagogia)

    A period of fifty days from Easter to Pentecost completes the initiation process. It is a special time for the newly received to find a place in the community. This is the time for unfolding the meaning of the Easter Sacraments.

    Come – Jesus is calling!

For more information and to sign up, please contact

Monsignor Brouwers
610-688-4584 or