“And be thankful.  Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. …And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:15ff).  As we continue our celebration of the Christmas Octave with the celebration of The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, my heart is filled with thanks and joy as I celebrate Christmas with you here at St. Katharine of Siena Parish!  What a generous Christmas spirit so many of you have shown during this season!  Whether it was with one of the more than 575 gifts you provided for the women and their children who had no place to go but Mercy Hospice for Christmas, or with gifts and food you provided for the nearly 100 needy families at St. Martin de Porres and in our own neighborhood, or in so many other ways, so many of you made it clear that you are aware of the true spirit of Christmas and are eager to share God’s love as we celebrate this clearest sign of his love – his coming in our midst to save us!  God came to show his loving concern for all people and to bring them into his loving family, and your generosity has helped many people – both here in our own parish and throughout the archdiocese – experience God’s love!  In the name of their fellow parishioners, I thank Jane Dwyer, Jane Dooner, Vicki Warner and Susan Wiener for coordinating the Mercy Hospice project and Dick Banister, Howard Deck, Jeff and Kathy Moore, Pat Carney, Shannon Reilly, Kristen Davey, and Maria Carrillo and Jason Bologna for coordinating the St. Martin de Porres project once again this year – well done!  And, special thanks to all of the CYO members who helped unload the cars and load the truck as well as to Michael and Lisa Pansini who paid for 100 turkeys to accompany the Christmas food boxes for Adopt-a-Family; that was a happy addition to an already wonderful program!

I have enjoyed taking part again in the many other Christmas traditions in the parish as well.  I was impressed by the large number of proud parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings and neighbors who came to watch the children present their annual Christmas Concert and Christmas Tableau, and I want to thank everyone who helped to prepare the children.  These wonderful events put everyone in attendance into the true Christmas spirit!

I want to thank everyone who made our parish facilities so beautiful during this special time.   The outdoor Nativity scenes in front of our church and school certainly let everyone who passes by know that we are celebrating the birth of Christ, the light of the world!  I am saddened by the continuing campaign by so many people in the secular world to remove any reference of Christ at Christmas – all supposedly in the name of political correctness.  I do have to smile, however, as I hear people greet each other with a “Happy Holiday” instead of “Merry Christmas” because the word “Holiday” is derived from “Holy Day,” and Christmas is certainly a most holy day as we rejoice to welcome God in our midst!

Christmas is certainly a wondrous celebration here, and I want to thank everyone who enhanced the Christmas Eucharistic celebrations, using their ministries to help make God present at the altar: the lectors, Eucharistic ministers and altar servers, as well as the cantors and various music groups!

I also want to thank everyone who sent Msgr. Carroll and me Christmas greetings in the form of cards and other goodies – these certainly put us into the Christmas spirit!

The church exterior is elegantly decorated with wreathes – ancient symbols of the eternal and undying love that God has bestowed on us through his son – as well as the crèche that declares to everyone who passes by that we are celebrating the birth of our Lord.  Of course, it is equally important to decorate the inside of the church, where we, God’s faithful, come to worship Him and praise him every day, but especially during this glorious Christmas Season.  I am very grateful to Amy Tatahbrounian, our church environment coordinator, who continues to offer new ideas to enhance our church interior for Christmas.   As we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and stop by the crèche, either in front of church or in front of our altar, we realize that God draws everyone – from shepherds to wise men and everyone in between, including us – into his Holy Family!

Yes, as we conclude our celebration of the Octave of Christmas, let us all become more aware that we are all part of God’s Family, called to the same holiness that Jesus, Mary and Joseph lived in their lives.  God came into our midst and is still in our midst today.  We are to be the signs of his presence for all to see!  And, let us be thankful, allowing the word of Christ to dwell in us during this holy season of Christmas and throughout the New Year!