I’m sure you have all heard the wonderful news! Archbishop Pérez has announced that parishes of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will be able to resume public Masses next weekend – that is 6 – 7 June – if the state government moves our region into the Yellow Phase, as is expected, on 5 June. I look forward to welcoming you back! In the midst of the wind and waves of this coronavirus pandemic, let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as we make our way back to celebration of the Eucharist in person!
Of course, it’s important to recognize that, as our county moves into the Yellow Phase of statewide reopening, all of us need to do our part to ensure that our return to Mass is a peaceful and safe experience for all. Please take the time to read the instructions by reading below. We ask everyone to follow these guidelines when attending Mass during this period.
- The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation continues to be lifted during the Yellow Phase. You are not required to attend Mass at this time. But, remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day with time for prayer and worship.
- Please stay home if you are sick or at risk and join us via the 9:30am live streamed Mass.
- We will celebrate Mass at 5:00pm, 9:30am and 11:30am. Please note that our 8:00am Mass has been temporarily suspended to allow time for proper sanitizing between Masses.
- We will resume public celebration of the 6:30am and 8:00am daily Masses.
- Please wash your hands for 20 seconds using soap and water.
- For everyone’s safety, missalettes have been removed from the pews during this period. As always, you are welcome to bring your own electronic device or missal with you for the readings. Readings and music for Sunday Masses will continue to be included in the Flocknote announcement you will receive beforehand.
- Please put on a face mask or cloth covering before entering church. Exceptions to this requirement are children younger than 2 years old, anyone who has trouble breathing, and anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance. In accordance with archdiocesan directives, those ministering in the sanctuary will also not be wearing face masks.
- All of the church entrances will remain open for your use. Please maintain a 6’ distance from members not part of your household as you enter.
- Hand sanitizers will be available at the church entrances. If you haven’t brought your own, please use the hand sanitizer upon entering the church.
- Please note that every other pew will be open to ensure proper social distancing.
- Members of the same household may sit together as normal. Please keep a 6’ distance between your household and members of a different household.
- Only the cantor and those in the sanctuary will sing. Feel free to hum along if you like behind your face mask but be careful not to get light headed.
- There will be no collection taken up during the Offertory. Please place your contribution in the clearly marked bins at the church entrances as you enter or leave church.
- The suspension of the Sign of Peace and distribution of the Precious Blood will continue during the Yellow Phase.
- We will follow our usual pattern for reception of Holy Communion except that it will be in single file, alternating between one side of the aisle and the other.
- Please maintain social distancing in the Communion line, keeping two pews between yourself and the person in front of you while in procession to the altar and when returning to your pew.
- For the health of everyone, you are asked to receive Holy Communion in the hand.
- Please remove your mask before receiving Communion and replace it afterward.
- At the conclusion of Mass, please take a Parish Bulletin with you; you will find them at the church entrances. You can also find it on our parish web site.
- Please do not congregate in church after Mass during the Yellow Phase.
- Please leave your mask on until you exit the church.
Be assured that we will follow the guidelines from the CDC for sanitation as we resume public Masses.
- The entire church will be sanitized using the electrolytic method after the 5:00pm and 11:30am Sunday Masses. All pews will be sanitized by parishioners after the 9:30am Mass. Please contact the rectory if you would like to assist with this important process to ensure the safety of your fellow parishioners.
Again, I look forward to seeing you in church! We are an incarnational people, a faithful community drawn together to worship God in the flesh and I’m sure you have missed it; I certainly have! Let us all pray for God’s protection during this most challenging time.
Msgr. Brouwers