As you surely know, we joined with other counties in southeastern Pennsylvania on Friday in moving to the Green Phase. More businesses are allowed to open and more industries are allowed to resume operations as we slowly and carefully emerge from a near-total lockdown required to combat the coronavirus pandemic. The only difference for churches and other houses of worship, however, is that we are now allowed 75% occupancy rather than 50% occupancy, as was allowed during the Yellow Phase. Maintaining a 6’ distance between those of different households continues to be required, as does wearing a face mask. Exchanging the Kiss of Peace and receiving the Precious Blood remains suspended. Those who receive Holy Communion are asked to do so in the hand at this time. And, of course, we will continue ensure the proper sanitization of our church.
I have been delighted to welcome many of you back to church over the three weeks while we were in the Yellow Phase. We still have room for more in church while observing social distancing, however, so feel free to join us if you haven’t done so yet. We are, after all, a worshiping community and we support and encourage each other best in person. At the same time, recognizing that some are still uneasy about being in larger groups and others have health constraints that prevent them from doing so, we will continue to live stream the 9:30am Sunday Mass for the foreseeable future. The obligation to attend Sunday Mass continues to be suspended but you are reminded to keep holy the Lord’s Day with time for prayer and reflection on God’s Word.
As we begin this Green Phase, let us continue to pray for all those who have fallen sick or died as a result of COVID-19. Let us also pray that God will release us from this pandemic and allow us, once again, to enjoy his many blessings as we return to a normal way of life.