Last week, we announced that Fr. Celestine Madubuko, representing the Archdiocese of Onitsha, would come this weekend for the annual Missionary Cooperative Appeal.  This is one of the two times throughout the year (the other is World Mission Sunday in October) that we focus on the universal Church and our union with fellow Catholics around the world.  We hear Jesus invite us in today’s gospel passage “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you…for my yoke is easy and my burden light.”  Following Jesus’ example, we share the burden of laboring in our Lord’s vineyard with the faith filled communities in places where the local community does not have the resources to support the Church’s various ministries.  These are very important ministries and we are eager to support them.  Allow me to give you an overview of the great apostolates that you will be supporting as you contribute to this week’s Mission Cooperative Plan collection.

You will recall that I offered some interesting comparisons between the Archdiocese of Onitsha and our Archdiocese of Philadelphia, noting that both of our archdioceses have their cathedral in port cities close to rivers with similar numbers of parishes.  Onitsha has 191 parishes serving 2.1 million Catholics while we have 214 parishes serving 1.6 million Catholics.

There are some significant differences between our archdioceses, however, and these differences are even more compelling when we compare the Archdiocese of Onitsha with Radnor Township, where our parish serves the Catholic population.  It might surprise you to learn that 48% of Radnor Township is Catholic.  In contrast, only 11% of Nigeria is Catholic (54% of the population in the country of Nigeria is Muslim).  Remarkably, 67% of the population in the Archdiocese of Onitsha is Catholic as a result of very effective evangelization throughout the archdiocese.  The per capita income in Radnor Township is $60,000; it is $5,200 in Onitsha.  It is easy to see why we should be gracious and generous in our support of this annual appeal.

Let me tell you how your support of the Archdiocese of Onitsha helps to spread the gospel.  Besides the 191 parishes, Onitsha has some excellent institutions that inspire and encourage the people in their faith and care for them in their need.  For example, Holy Family Youth Village Hostel houses some 500 youth, providing them with a place to stay and an atmosphere that is conducive to studies so they can “realize their dreams and help transform our society,” as the hostel’s mission statement declares so clearly.  The archdiocesan newspaper, Trinitas News, provides a Catholic perspective on the news in a country where Catholics are often persecuted by the Muslims.  Seven Catholic hospitals provide medical services throughout the archdiocese where it is often difficult to obtain medical care.  There are also 56 active apostolic societies (e.g., St. Vincent de Paul, Legion of Mary, Volunteer Religious Teachers’ Association) that help the faithful live their faith.

Yes, the Archdiocese of Onitsha is working hard to bring the gospel message to its people.  Your support will help them to continue this important work!  And, keep Fr. Madubuko and all missionaries in your daily prayers as they spread the Good News of God’s love in Nigeria and around the world!