This window presents the Paschal Mystery, central to our Christian faith.  The right panel depicts the crucifixion of Jesus with his mother Mary and the disciple John at the foot of the cross.  Above Jesus, the initials “INRI” speak of his kingship: they are the first letters of the Latin inscription “Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum” (Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews) that was placed on his cross (cf. Matthew 27:37).  The bottom of the panel displays an altar with bread and wine on it, an allusion to the Eucharistic Celebration in which we re-present not only the Last Supper but also our Lord’s sacrifice on the cross.  The grated window refers to his descent into the netherworld after his death to raise the faithful dead to everlasting life.  Notice the empty tomb on the right.  Jesus rises from the tomb with a glorified body in the center panel as the sun rises at dawn on Easter Sunday; his burial cloth is draped over the stone that no longer covers the entrance to the tomb.  In the left panel, Christ ascends into heaven as the disciples raise their hands in joy and jubilation. They – and the trumpets – are a reference to Psalm 47:6: “God mounts his throne amid shouts of joy; the Lord amid trumpet blasts.”  The stars recall Psalm 148:3: “Praise him, sun and moon; praise him all shining stars.”