The three Pastoral Plan committees enter their second year with renewed commitment to make St. Katharine’s an even stronger community of faith. The Liturgy Experience committee continues to find ways to create a rewarding Mass experience for all parishioners while the Parishioner Engagement team strives to offer opportunities for everyone to become involved in our church community.
Faith Sharing remains focused on growing the Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO) program. CCO features a series of five small-group studies designed to help participants embrace a Christ-centered life and equip them to become missionary disciples. The fall groups recently wrapped up their studies and four members will be commissioned during the 9:30am Mass on January 7th. These four will receive a special blessing from Monsignor Brouwers for their dedication to Christ and willingness to share His blessings with others.
We are fortunate to have the CCO program here  – St. Katharine’s is one of only a few parishes in the archdiocese that offers it! Several new groups will begin this winter. For information on how to join, contact Laura Kerr at