Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa was founded on the basic principles of Saint John Paul II’s call to action in Ecclesia in Africa and the adoption of the statement A Call to Solidarity with Africa from the Bishops of the United States.
Nations throughout Africa continually face the economic and social hurdles of enormous debt, epidemics, severe poverty and political unrest. Despite these harsh challenges, Catholicism is flourishing throughout Africa.
Your support of the Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa assists in the delivery of basic pastoral care including religious education, seminary formation and youth ministry. It also supports important projects that provide temporal and pastoral care for the sick.
The collection for the Church in Africa will be conducted in your parish on a weekend during Lent as determined by your pastor. On behalf of our brothers and sisters in Africa, I am grateful for your continued generosity.
Please pray for me and be assured of my prayers that your Lenten journey will be a fruitful one on the road to Missionary Discipleship for Christ.
Sincerely in Christ,
Most Reverend Nelson J. Perez, D.D.
Archbishop of Philadelphia