We’re all certainly aware of the horrific ongoing war between Israel and the Hamas in Gaza that started last October as some members of the Hamas attacked Israel and took over 250 Israelis hostage. It is a tragedy that continues to worsen with hundreds of thousands of people now on the brink of starvation. In the middle of this living nightmare live a very small number of Christians who comprise less than 1% of the total population of Gaza and the West Bank, together known as Palestine. You probably remember the sniper attack last December in the compound of the Church of the Holy Family, the only Catholic Church in Gaza. As Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, described so graphically, two women were shot in “cold blood” as they walked outside of the church but within the enclosed compound. Earlier that same day, the Sisters of Mother Theresa convent, which is part of that church compound, was struck three times by Israeli artillery shells, rendering the monastery uninhabitable, according to the Latin Patriarch. And, although we don’t hear much about it, the Christians living in the West Bank are also suffering from the war as their ability to travel becomes ever more restricted and work opportunities become increasingly scarce.
So, it is even more important than ever that we support our fellow Christians living in this Holy Land, the land where our Lord, Jesus, was born, lived, proclaimed the good news of our salvation, suffered, died and rose to new life. One of the best ways we can do this is by supporting the industries they are able to maintain even in these most challenging time: olive wood carvings and olive oil manufacture. Due to its ongoing success here, the Bethlehem Carving Group will be returning, once again, to give us the opportunity to support the Christians and, at the same time, purchase handsome olive wood carvings and other Holy Land specialties for our homes or as gifts. Those of you who have visited our parish center when they have been here in the past know that the Bethlehem Carving Group offers a wide variety of beautiful olive wood carvings and other products for sale. I have invited the Bethlehem Carving Group to set up shop here for the past several years, both for our benefit and theirs. From my years of experience in the Holy Land, I know that this is one of the best companies and their carvings are of the finest quality. And, they offer new items every year! The wide variety of religious articles that they bring us will be lovely additions to your homes and make for excellent gifts, especially for Christmas, weddings, birthdays and baptisms, as well as other occasions. I have given their handsome wood carvings for a variety of special occasions; the recipients have always appreciated them.
Purchasing these products from the Bethlehem Carving Group supports the Christians who are struggling to eke out a living in the land where Christianity was founded. The olive wood handicraft art began in Bethlehem in the fourth century following the construction of the Church of the Nativity, built over the traditional birthplace of Jesus. The same monks who served the Church of the Nativity taught the handicraft trade of carving olive wood to the local Christian residents. This handicraft was then passed on from one generation to the next and was perfected and mastered, thus continuing the ancient tradition of carving exquisite olive wood figures in the Holy Land. The Bethlehem Carving Group artists combine the experience and skills of the old traditions with the innovation and creativity of the new generation.
Please stop by the tables that will be set out – either between the church and the rectory or in the parish center, depending on the weather – to examine these fine olive wood carvings; you might be tempted to buy a few! In doing so, you will get a chance to purchase some very fine Holy Land articles and, at the same time, you will be supporting our fellow Christians living in the land made sacred by our Lord.
As we prepare to say farewell and God bless to Sr. Mary Elizabeth Karalis, SSJ, who has been our outstanding Director of Religious Education for the past 11 years, I would like to introduce you to her successor; she is already a very familiar face here. Shortly after Sr. Mary Elizabeth announced her retirement to the parish staff, Stephanie Twohig came to see me about this position. As most of you surely know, Steph is our parish Youth Minister, teaches our school band members and leads our children’s teen and young adult choirs. Having worked with other youth ministers around the archdiocese, she has learned that other parishes have combined the role of DRE and Youth Minister with great success. She explained that combining these two positions encourages the students in our school and PREP to become involved in our youth ministry program. It immediately made sense to me so we have explored it further and Steph has accepted my offer to become our parish’s first Director of Youth Formation Ministries which will combine the roles of DRE and Youth Minister. She has also agreed to continue to lead the various choirs.
Those of you who already know Steph are very familiar with her boundless energy, beautiful voice, extensive musical abilities, incredible imagination and excellent organizational skills along with her magnetic personality that draws many to her. I am confident that she will be successful in this new role and I ask you to join me in congratulating her as she becomes even more involved in leading our children, youth and young adults ever closer to Jesus Christ and his faith filled community here at St. Katharine of Siena parish.