We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.”  The explanation that the magi gave for their journey seems so simple and straightforward.  But, like so much of our Salvation History, there is more to the story.  These wise men came from afar bringing gifts to an infant.  In return, they receive a gift much greater than the distance and effort they spent.  After depositing their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, they, in turn, receive a gift: they are redirected.

That is what we all […]

2025-01-06T13:27:17-05:00January 6th, 2025|


I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, with time to celebrate with family and friends.  This is a very sacred time of the year as we reflect on the great mystery of the incarnation: God coming to live among us, in fact, as one of us.  And, he came into a family, the new family of Mary and Joseph.  As we contemplate his birth during this Christmas Octave, we are encouraged on this, the Feast of the Holy Family, to reflect on our lives as part of our families.  […]

2025-01-03T13:34:41-05:00January 3rd, 2025|


“And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.”  This is the second time in a week that we heard about Mary keeping all these things and reflecting on them in her heart.  You’ll recall that we heard this same phrase in Sunday’s gospel passage after Mary and Joseph found Jesus in the temple.  You will remember that Jesus was surprised by his parents’ concern and explained that he must be in his Father’s house.  Both on that occasion and the occasion we hear about this morning […]

2025-01-03T13:33:02-05:00January 3rd, 2025|


Once again, let me wish all of you a Merry Christmas.  That’s exactly what we’re doing right now: celebrating a Merry Christmas.  Have you ever wondered what the word “Christmas” means?  Originating from the Old English phrase, “Cristes Maesse,” a phrase that can be traced back to at least the year 1038, it means “Christ’s Mass.”  Yes, we are celebrating Christ’s Mass with great merriment as we recall the great work God has done for us from the very beginning of time and especially through sending his son – Jesus, […]

2025-01-03T13:31:48-05:00January 3rd, 2025|


Let me wish all of you, once again, a very blessed Christmas!  We gather this evening to celebrate the most blessed event of all time: the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  We hear, once again in today’s Gospel, the story of his birth.  It is the story of Joseph and Mary putting their trust in God and cooperating in his plan of salvation for all of us.

In the minds of all of you children, I’m sure Christmas has taken forever to get here.  Soon, you’ll be opening […]

2025-01-03T13:30:37-05:00January 3rd, 2025|


On this, the last Sunday of Advent, the great mysteries and personalities we have heard from over the past weeks suddenly converge in new ways. The prophetic promises made by Jeremiah, Baruch, Zephaniah over the past three Sundays and today, Micah to Israel foretold a just shoot from the house of David, a messenger of comfort, a mighty savior and a strong shepherd become stories of two children to be born, one the son of an elderly woman beyond child-bearing years, the other the son of a young virgin, conceived […]

2024-12-23T15:16:59-05:00December 23rd, 2024|


“What must we do?”  We hear that question asked three times in today’s gospel account.  What must we do?  Much like the Jewish people in the time of Jesus, Christians have asked that question down through the centuries, as if we could achieve salvation and redemption by ourselves.  It is easy – in our pride – to think that whether or not we will go to heaven is tied to the sum of our good deeds.  Of course, as we humbly admit our sinfulness, we come to recognize that we […]

2024-12-16T12:00:21-05:00December 16th, 2024|


As we see from the two candles lit on the wreath before us, Advent is well underway; Christmas is only 18 days away!  So, have you found that most important gift yet?  Do you even know what it is?  Everyone has his or her concept of what is most important.  Our lesson on this, the Second Sunday in Advent, presents us with a man who understood what was most important in his life.  His name was John.  We know him as John the Baptist.  Listen again as we hear the […]

2024-12-10T09:05:19-05:00December 10th, 2024|


I heard an interesting ad on KYW earlier this week.  It was for one of those new vacation packages.  Rather than going on a cruise to some exotic destiny, the ad invites you to a health spa on a ranch in the Midwest where you will be offered the latest health care treatments and learn about how changes in your diet and exercise will help you extend your life.  After all, the ad asserts, the most important destiny is a long and healthy life.

Today, as we celebrate the First Sunday […]

2024-12-02T13:29:32-05:00December 2nd, 2024|


“For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.”  We just heard Jesus make this very important, defining declaration in today’s gospel.  And, in just a little more than four weeks, we will celebrate the birth of Jesus.  Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?  But today, as we come to the end of our liturgical year, we hear Jesus testify why he was born: to testify to the truth.  And, although we didn’t hear it in today’s gospel passage, we’re […]

2024-12-02T13:27:41-05:00December 2nd, 2024|
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