Reading Reflections

Reading Reflections2024-04-29T12:41:56-04:00

Welcome to my annotated commentary on Sunday’s readings.  The purpose of this commentary is threefold: to give you 

  • the background for each reading;

  • a better understanding of its message; and

  • the message that all of the Sunday readings together provide us.

I hope you find it helpful!


Deuteronomy 4:32 – 34, 39 – 40 God revealed himself to Adam and Eve, Noah and Abraham. And, he revealed himself by name to Moses and entered into a covenant relationship with Israel through him. In this Sunday’s reading from the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses enjoins the people to put their faith in God because he has demonstrated such great power for them.  The text we will hear on Sunday is part of a magnificent, comprehensive homily on the election of Israel.  It is one of the stylistic and theological [...]


On this, Pentecost Sunday, we come to the end of the Easter Season as we celebrate the birth of the Church and hear an exhortation of how we are to live as the Church.  Different readings are prescribed for the Vigil Mass than for the Mass on Sunday and that there are options for both sets of readings.  I will reflect on the readings for Sunday that I will use at the Masses I will celebrate.  I don’t know which readings Fr. Reilly will use, so don’t be surprised if [...]

Fifth Sunday of Easter (Year B)

John 15:1 - 8   Last Sunday, we heard Jesus speak of himself as the Good Shepherd.  He used that image against the Jewish leaders, whom he, by inference, characterized as bad shepherds, mere hirelings who are in it for themselves.  He, on the other hand, was the Good Shepherd who “lays down his life for his sheep.”  This is the only occasion in the Gospel of John where Jesus uses a human image as an analogy for himself.   This Sunday, we hear Jesus speak of himself in one [...]

Fourth Sunday of Easter (Year B)

Ordinarily during the Easter Season, I offer reflections on the Gospel first since the other two readings present the early Church after the Resurrection.  This week, however, I would like to begin with some reflections on the first reading since it includes an important Old Testament reference to Jesus and his mission among us.   Acts 4:8 - 12   This Sunday, we hear another portion of Peter’s speeches after curing the crippled man.  Last week, we heard a section of his speech to the Jewish people who had gathered [...]


Exodus 20:1 - 17 Last Sunday, we heard of God’s test for Abraham after he had made a covenant with him.  This follows the reading from the First Sunday of Lent, in which we heard about the covenant that God made with Noah and his descendents.  This week, we hear the commandments that God gives to his people at Mt. Sinai as part of that covenant. We read about the ratification of the covenant and Moses going up Mt. Sinai in chapter 24; let’s read that first to prepare us [...]


Jonah 3:1 – 5, 10 This Sunday, we will hear from the Book of Jonah. The passage was clearly chosen to prepare us for the Gospel, as we shall see.  We only hear from this book once every three years on Sunday – that is, this Sunday – so let’s spend some time understanding its genre.  It is listed as a prophetic book, but is unique among the prophets for two reasons: 1) it is not a collection of oracles, but a narrative; and 2) Jonah’s behavior is the opposite [...]

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