Parishioner Engagement: Successful Parish Coffee for Music Ministry
Parishioner Engagement: SKS at the Movies: Cabrini Sunday, March 10 at 1:30PM KOP United Artist Theater
Opening Mass for Catholic Schools Week January 28, 9:30AM
The opening of Catholic Schools Week featured a full church, full parish coffee and full hearts! The church hummed with energy from the many families and parishioners in attendance, including SKS school teachers (thank you Mr. Burman for singing!) and students in their school uniforms. The children’s choir, comprised of school and PREP kids, filled the sanctuary with joy. Father Bill Gabriel, O.S.A, Head of Mission & Ministry at Malvern Prep, invited the children to the altar and delivered a homily with a message […]
Parish Plan Update: Faith Sharing CCO Commissioning January 7, 9:30AM
Parishioner Engagement and Faith Sharing
Advent by Candlelight
November 30, 6-9pm
Church and Parish […]
Newcomers Coffee Sunday, November 5 after the 9:30AM Mass
Find the Right Mass for You and Your Family with Our New Calendar
The Parish Plan committees are continuing their work to make St. Katharine’s a warm, welcoming community for worshippers of all ages. Along with our Family Masses (see block above), we’ve added two monthly Masses that will feature teen and young adult choirs, lectors and cantors, both at 5:00pm on Saturday. To help parishioners decide which Mass to attend, you will now find a calendar on our website that describes the focus and features of each service.