Find the Right Mass for  You and Your Family with Our New Calendar

The Parish Plan committees are continuing their work to make St. Katharine’s a warm, welcoming community for worshippers of all ages. Along with our Family Masses (see block above), we’ve added two monthly Masses that will feature teen and young adult choirs, lectors and cantors, both at 5:00pm on Saturday. To help parishioners decide which Mass to attend, you will now find a calendar on our website that describes the focus and features of each service.

Thanks to the Liturgy Experience and Parishioner Engagement committees […]
2024-05-07T12:45:08-04:00October 20th, 2023|

Parishioner Engagement:  Using Parish Coffees to Grow

Lately, the Parishioner Engagement committee has been eyeing coffees as a way to grow parish ministries. The committee has identified three components of a successful parish coffee: food and beverages, a committed ministry host and a service activity for the children. Each ministry receives a new tip sheet, created by the parishioner engagement team, on “How to Host a Successful Parish Coffee” with suggestions for soliciting food, finding volunteers, quick set-up, clean-up, etc. The sheet also emphasizes ways the ministry can use the coffee to promote itself, its mission, activities and […]
2023-05-08T12:42:33-04:00May 8th, 2023|

“Lord, teach us to pray”  Luke 11:1

Sharing the faith begins with our own encounter with the living Christ through sacraments, scripture and prayer. During the Lenten season we had the opportunity to “Repent and believe in the Gospel” through prayer, fasting and abstinence. To continue to grow spiritually as Catholics, we recommend the Hallow Prayer App to help you establish a habit of daily personal prayer and/or deepen and expand your existing prayer life.  There is something for everyone! You’ll find guided rosaries, minute meditations, daily reflections, content for children, music, Bible in a Year, prayer […]
2023-05-08T13:08:20-04:00April 8th, 2023|

Pastoral Plan Update: Liturgy Experience New! Quiet Toy Baskets

Do you know one sign of a vibrant parish? The sight and sounds of young families at Mass. Children are always welcomed at St. Katharine’s, but taking care of them in church can be stressful for parents, and makes it difficult to focus on the Word of God. The Pastoral Plan’s Liturgy Experience committee understands this and, with the help of Mothers of Young Children and Faithful Families, has put together baskets of quiet toys for families to borrow during Mass. The baskets are located in the Lancaster […]
2023-04-13T13:54:31-04:00April 1st, 2023|

Pastoral Plan Update:  Children’s Mass filled with Faith, Love and Service

Human hand holding Christian cross with a sunset sky background

Did you hear about our last children’s mass?

When parishioners arrived, they were warmly welcomed by children offering a small gift to each child! Father Scott invited the children to join him up on the altar and had a meaningful conversation with them about Jesus’ love for us. The Children’s Choir, expertly led by Steph Twohig, filled church with joy and praise. Faithful Families and Mother’s of Young Children hosted coffee, donuts & treats […]

2023-04-13T14:03:06-04:00March 18th, 2023|

Pastoral Plan Update: Parishioner Engagement

Would you guess that St. Katharine’s has almost 20 active ministries? Music, Bible Study, Walking with Purpose, Mercy Hospice, Youth Group, to name a few.
The primary goal of the Parishioner Engagement committee is, obviously, to involve more parishioners in activities at SKS. The first step has been to increase awareness of our existing ministries. Hopefully you have noticed more info about the mission and activities of different groups in Flocknote and the bulletin. The new “Ministry Corner” in the weekend email shines […]
2023-04-13T13:32:13-04:00March 4th, 2023|

Pastoral Plan Update: Confession

One of the most beautiful aspects of the Catholic Church is the sacrament of Reconciliation. Instituted by Jesus Christ, Reconciliation allows us to obtain forgiveness for our sins and reconcile with God. All three Pastoral Plan committees (Faith Sharing, Liturgy Experience and Parishioner Engagement) have been called to increase attendance at confession and, in doing so, help parishioners receive peace through the priest’s audible assurance of forgiveness.
Catholics are encouraged to go to confession all year but especially during Lent, the season of […]
2023-04-13T13:34:06-04:00February 18th, 2023|

Pastoral Plan Update:  Faith Sharing

“…Make their words the echo of Christ’s voice so that those who hear them may be drawn to obey the Gospel”
January was a fruitful month for the Faith Sharing committee, whose goal is to grow missionary discipleship at SKS and help parishioners deepen their relationship with Christ. The committee has focused on growing the Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO) program, a series of five small group faith studies. On January 8, Monsignor Brouwers commissioned four parishioners from the altar following their completion of […]
2023-04-13T13:56:37-04:00February 11th, 2023|

2022 Pastoral Plan Update

Have you noticed some changes around St. Katharine’s? They’re the result of work by the three Pastoral Plan committees to make our parish an even stronger community of faith.

Liturgy Experience

Thank this committee for the new music you’ve been hearing! At their urging, the music ministry has enlivened Mass with contemporary versions of Psalms and the songs that are sung every week (Holy, Holy, the Memorial Acclamation, Amen and Lamb of God).

Parishioner Engagement

Please welcome our newest ministry, Faithful Families. You’ll spot its members […]
2023-04-13T13:57:54-04:00February 4th, 2023|

Pastoral Plan Update: Liturgy Experience

Human hand holding Christian cross with a sunset sky background

Did you notice the new music at Mass last weekend? The Liturgy Experience committee, part of the Pastoral Plan, challenged the SKS Music Ministry to make changes to enliven the music at Mass. The result: an introduction of beautiful, more contemporary versions of the songs that are sung at every Mass-the Holy, Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Amen and Lamb of God. This new setting is by renowned contemporary composer Sarah Hart and is […]

2023-04-13T14:01:27-04:00January 21st, 2023|
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